Sonja Salomäki

Textile art, visual art, performances, research

Current / Upcoming Exhibitions

Muutos Art
Voimakatu 11 Tampere, Finland  

UUTE Association of New Textile Art 
10-year anniversary exhibition
6.7. - 28.7.2024
Gallery Haihara - Talli, Tampere Finland

Woikka Contemporary
Voikkaantie 3 Kouvola, Finland

Past exhibitions
Planetbic - Community Performance

Planetbic is an artistic and physical way to show ones commitment to keeping the planet viable, Taking over the public space - To participate: one doesn't need to train beforehand or have any special skills. 

Planetbic emphasizes the uniquely decisive role of humans in overcoming the eco-crisis. Planetbic celebrates human bodily knowledge and animality, belonging to the living world and the opportunity to renew and protect life as part of the biosphere as a whole.

Since the inaugural performance at the Helsinki Night of the Arts 2022, Planetbic has been since held at Stoa, Maunula-house and Helsinki City Museum.

Planetbic's underlying scientific approach on helping people internalize planetary boundaries and other environmental issues has also been presented at the

People and Planet: From Theory to Solutions - conference

February, 2024 in Lahti, Finland.

Conference abstracts PLANETBIC  IG read more on planetbic

Radio Helsinki interview on the creative and scientific process of Planetbic. (in finnish)

Moido Fossiiliutopia! Farewell fossil utopia!

at Gallery Hämärä ,  10.1.-25.1.24, Rovaniemi

The tapestries reflect the current incoherent mental landscape, where various protection mechanisms help to withstand harsh news about disappearing species and ecological disasters that are raging everywhere. It is difficult to bear the guilt of Western man for conquering and destroying the earth. At the same time, keeping the Earth viable depends on homo sapiens' ability to admit that they are a small and relatively useless part of the complex natural system. 

The imagery of the works aims to reach beyond the normal of this moment to a better future.
The works are made using embroidery and felting techniques on old hand woven traditional raanu- tapestries, which were probably made in the 70s and 80s. The works show the human-centered world in which, in contrast to everyday reality, other animals and organisms have appeared to join. ​The visual language of the works is lending experimentally the means of building new worlds of soviet avant-garde, adapted according to my own view and updated for the 2020s reality.  

The seven felted and embroided raanus  were completed during 2021-22.  Embroidery technique used in raanus is respecting the figurative language of weaving.  Felting allows the production of painted like surfaces. Updating the raanus into works of art corrects the perception of them being stuffy and old-fashioned textiles.

It is possible to change mental images and reality.The next few years will show what kind of chain reactions, recessions or aspirations towards a more sustainable future thehuman species accustomed to the cozy fossil utopia will produce with the ongoing energy crisis.​Will we get to bid farewell to the fossil utopia?

at Gallery Hämärä ,  10.1.-25.1.24, Rovaniemi

The tapestries reflect the current incoherent mental landscape, where various protection mechanisms help to withstand harsh news about disappearing species and ecological disasters that are raging everywhere. It is difficult to bear the guilt of Western man for conquering and destroying the earth. At the same time, keeping the Earth viable depends on homo sapiens' ability to admit that they are a small and relatively useless part of the complex natural system. 

The imagery of the works aims to reach beyond the normal of this moment to a better future.
The works are made using embroidery and felting techniques on old hand woven traditional raanu- tapestries, which were probably made in the 70s and 80s. The works show the human-centered world in which, in contrast to everyday reality, other animals and organisms have appeared to join. ​The visual language of the works is lending experimentally the means of building new worlds of soviet avant-garde, adapted according to my own view and updated for the 2020s reality.  

The seven felted and embroided raanus  were completed during 2021-22.  Embroidery technique used in raanus is respecting the figurative language of weaving.  Felting allows the production of painted like surfaces. Updating the raanus into works of art corrects the perception of them being stuffy and old-fashioned textiles.

It is possible to change mental images and reality.The next few years will show what kind of chain reactions, recessions or aspirations towards a more sustainable future thehuman species accustomed to the cozy fossil utopia will produce with the ongoing energy crisis.​Will we get to bid farewell to the fossil utopia?